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Key Laboratories

The Heilongjiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Networking and Intelligent Control was established in 2015 and became the first batch of key laboratories in Heilongjiang Province to pass the record in 2017. The laboratory employs not only control theory experts, but also scientific researchers with extensive academic knowledge and practical experience.In summary, it is a highly educated team led by a member of the Academia Europaea and the Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) Scholar Distinguished Professor of the Ministry of Education with a reasonable structure of professional title, education background, and academic background, and most of the team are senior professors who have close cooperation with famous scholars in Germany, Britain, Hong Kong, etc.

The laboratory is committed to promoting the progress of technology and providing technical support for the significant requirements of the country and the province. The laboratory primarily engages in complex system modeling, performance analysis, parameter optimization, and design while focusing on random phenomena, nonlinear phenomena, saturation phenomena, information loss phenomena, and other issues in complex dynamic systems such as the Internet of Things, industrial wireless sensor networks, robots, unmanned aerial vehicles, and biological information networks.The research directions of the laboratory mainly include control theory and control engineering, pattern recognition, intelligent systems, system analysis and integration, and other interdisciplines. At the same time, taking the combination of control theory, oil and gas pipeline leakage detection technology and microseismic monitoring technology as the breakthrough, much effort has been devoted to promoting cooperation with other disciplines such as oil and gas engineering, geological resources, and geological engineering, so as to realize interdisciplinary cooperation and disciplinary integration and further solve the difficulties in the complex dynamic system. The laboratory has achieved pioneering results in the networked control field, and the research level stays at an advanced position on the international stage.

The laboratory has built an oil and gas pipeline leak detection technology platform, a multi-sensor fusion drone technology development platform, and a robot/manipulator intelligent control system, which have strong research strength in terms of finite-time multi-index filtering of time-varying systems, distributed filtering and microseismic monitoring, fault detection theory, and pipeline leak detection technology. In recent years, 22 doctors have graduated, and more than 70 bachelors and masters degrees graduate every year.

The teachers of the team have published more than 100 SCI journal papers in recent years, of which 30 papers (including 14 regular papers) have been published in the international top journals, 27 papers have been selected as ESI highly cited papers, and 7 papers have been selected as ESI hot papers. The teachers undertake 19 national projects, such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and 10 provincial projects, such as the Head Goose Project. They also have won 1 China Overseas Chinese Contribution Award, 1 China Petrochemical Federation Youth Science and Technology Outstanding Contribution Award, 4 Provincial Science and Technology Awards, and other awards. 48 patents have been granted, including 27 invention patents, 21 utility model patents, and 1 Chinese and 2 English monographs, which have been published.

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